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Governor Kelly Announces Appointments
TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced 1 appointment and 3 reappointments to the KS911 Coordinating Council board. Purpose: To monitor the delivery of 911 services, develop strategies for future enhancements to the 911 system and distribute available grant funds to public safety answering points (PSAP).
AT&T and Kansas Collaborate to Deliver New NextGen 911 Services Statewide
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NG911 Testing
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911 Sub-Grant Award Notification Update November 6, 2019
November 6, 2019 The Kansas 911 Coordinating Council has awarded 30 grants, totaling $1,800,000 and supporting 36 different PSAPs. This is the full amount of the Federal Grant for this subgrant project. It is possible that the actual funds used by the awardees will total less than their grant applications. Should that happen, any remaining…