September is National Suicide Prevention Month
How can you make a difference in suicide prevention?

Today we received the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report from AT&T in regard to the outage we experienced on the statewide hosted system on January 27th. As we had expected, the RCA shows that multiple events led to the outage. We were sure that this would be the case, as the system design would not…
Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at noon for one hour for a web conference featuring Emily Papa from Dickinson County who will present on Writing and Maintaining Policy for the Communications Center. The web conference will be recorded and posted to the website for review if you are unable to attend. Dial-in number…
Full version of Annual Performance Progress report 04092021 November 6, 2019 The Kansas 911 Coordinating Council has awarded 30 grants, totaling $1,800,000 and supporting 36 different PSAPs. This is the full amount of the Federal Grant for this subgrant project. It is possible that the actual funds used by the awardees will total less than…
Celebrating Telecommunicators Worldwide: 112 Day For the past 10 years, the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), and other emergency service number associations worldwide remind nations and communities of the value of the single emergency service number systems and the people who make them possible. No matter what number people dial to request assistance, countries across…
What#Words Video Contest