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Latest Version of SB 420 Update
• 911 Act: Hearing was held. We worked extensively with the Kansas Association of Counties and other parties to support getting this bill out of committee. However, the Committee Chair announced in committee there were too many questions surrounding the fees and the bill would not be worked. The upcoming Legislative Post Audit Report was…

ESInet Migration at Ottawa and Saline County
Ottawa and Saline County are the first two PSAPs to be migrated to the ESInet in 2019. 2018 was a very busy year with the Kansas hosted system deployments. 91 Sites were turned up since the first deployment in 2015 on the hosted call handling platforms (included PSAP’s, Yoder Test Center and 2 backup PSAP’s)…

KS911 Coordinating Council Liaison RFP Open Responses Due 06/24/2022
As the Local Collection Point Administrator (LCPA) for the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council (“Council”), Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions, Inc. is issuing this RFP for the procurement of a Kansas 911 Liaison. The RFP is attached. RFP ID: 03-911 Liaison SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 24, 2022, 5:00 PM-CT, QUESTION SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 3, 2022, 5:00 PM-CT Please feel…

National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week
Across the nation in times of intense personal crisis and community-wide disasters, the first access point for those seeking all classes of emergency services is 9-1-1. The 1200 Kansas Emergency Telecommunicators staffing local and county emergency communications centers that receive these calls have emerged as the first and single point of contact for persons seeking…

Happy 53rd Birthday 911!
February 16, 1968 sees the first official “911” call placed in the United States. Now taken for granted as first course of action in the event of emergency by nearly all of the nation’s 327 million people, 911 is a relatively recent invention and was still not standard across the United States for many years…