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September is National Suicide Prevention Month
How can you make a difference in suicide prevention?

NG911 Testing
Several members of the Kansas NG911 team hard at work testing the ESInet at the Yoder Test and Evaluation Site.

Happy Anniversary 911!
50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST 911 CALL Topeka, KS, February 16, 2018– The Kansas 911 Coordinating Council would like to recognize the 911 professionals of Kansas on the 50th anniversary of the 1st 911 call. On Feb16, 1968, Alabama Speaker of the House, Mr. Rankin Fite, made the first 911 call from the Haleyville City…
AT&T and RapidDeploy Announcement
The Kansas 911 Coordinating Council has authorized the replacement of the current Vesta Locate call handling mapping application with RapidDeploy Radius Plus Mapping and Nimbus Cloud Aided Dispatch (CAD). The inclusion of these cloud-based products into the Statewide NG911 System will provide many new features and capabilities. AT&T and RapidDeploy collaborate to deliver full suite…